Blessed are the compassionate, and those whose heart is full of sweet understanding. They reveal the way of Angelic Love. Mock no one's sorrow, and say that it should not have been. Rather try to be full of the understanding of each Soul's travail out of the Night into the Day.
Be compassionate even though you must needs be silent through being unable to comprehend. The Angels of God in the Heavens and on the earth, follow with tender love the Soul's travail through the Path where the burden is borne, to the Goal where joy cometh. Before Soul-sorrow ever be reverent. Where ye cannot understand either the cause or the nature of the sorrow, let reverent and tender love be manifested. Our compassion will comfort. And if ye should be able to comprehend the mystery of such travail, your love in its reverent tenderness will be as balm. In this way, ye may even bring the cup of joy to the sorrowing. |
Do not blame. If ye understood more, the voice of blame would give way to the voice of compassion.
Blessed are they who walk in white before the Lord of Love. Having discovered the mote in their own eye, and removed it, they cause their love to beam upon those whom others would condemn. It is to bring these things this ministry is restored, that ye may understand the Love and the Wisdom of our Father-Mother, and that ye may know whence ye came, what ye are, whither ye are going, and of what nature is the ministry He would have you render. His Love is the radiance that breaks within you; that sustains you in your sorrow; that upholds you in your travail; that fills you with a great glad hope even when the shadows have sought to steal across your threshold. Let His Love pour itself through you in beautiful Compassion that shuts no one out. Bless, and never fail to bless . Excerpts from the writings of John Todd Ferrier |