What does the World of today need? First, an elevated vision of Life; then the effect of that vision upon every department of human experience, from the highest artistic sphere down to what may seem to be the most material within the realms of commerce.
Will you contribute to the World's healing? Then you must be healed ... not simply healed in your physical states ... yet these you can control from within. Let Him control them through you and heal them ... If you would teach the World its need of Love, remember you will never teach it simply by speaking of it. No; you are not taught that way ... No. Be the thing! There is no other way. Claim nothing, but be the thing you know to be the Divine. If you would heal the World's wrong states you must show the World what real Love means. |
You can walk through the World, shedding His Radiance; walk through it equipoised, and full of His Peace; walk through it radiating the glory of His Love. And in your walking, bless wherever you can bless; not by action, no, but in attitude.
Excerpts from the writings of John Todd Ferrier |