The power to heal is a gift bestowed by the Eternal Love alone, and if it should seem to belong to the individual healer, it is only because the Divine Love is able to make use of some special faculty with which that one has been endowed.
To heal truly is to get at the cause, which is usually deep-seated in the mind or in the emotion of the individual, and by a true spiritual pathology, to proceed from there outward, driving the trouble out of the vehicle through healing the cause of it in the mind, or in the emotion, or, it may be, in the love-principle, or even in the higher will. When the mind is distraught, nothing can give it equipoise but the touch of the Divine Hand. We use the simile "The Divine Hand"; for the Father-Mother touches through projecting into the suffering mind that which will generate an atmosphere of peace. |
The Divine touch reaches the shores of the mind through the generation of such an atmosphere. Nothing can restore equipoise of the mind but the consciousness of your childhood to Him. Doubt is a shadow; and the shadow is the result of deflected polarity in you.
What do we understand by Divine Healing? It means that the whole Being, from the very innermost center to the circumference of the life, becomes touched by the Divine impress, from the Divine, and grows into a state of perfect equilibrium, in which state alone the Divine can be truly expressed within us and through us. Anything that comes short of that vision in its outlook and purpose is so far short of the real meaning of Divine Healing. Be ye healed! And in life be as His healed and His Healers. From Him, bless all unto healing. Excerpts from the writings of John Todd Ferrier |